Optimal Taxation Theory

Past, Present and Future


  • Marcos de Aguiar Villas-Bôas Pesquisas independentes e informais na Harvard Law School e na University of San Diego, Doutor em Direito Tributário pela PUC/SP, Mestre em Direito Público pela UFBA, advogado.


tax law, economics, puclic policies, economic policy, tax policy, optimal taxation theory


Optimal taxation theory was practically unknown since recent times in Brazilian Tax Law environment. In Economics, it is rarely mentioned. On the other hand, that theory has been studied abroad for around a century and has been sourcing information to the tax reforms of several countries, including the more developed ones. Optimal taxation theory is a very interesting path to tax policy evolution, which is a core part of economic policy, and therefore of public policies. The socioeconomic success of Brazil depends on better tax measures, and, in order to achieve that goal, depends on a much more advanced tax policy knowledge. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to know optimal taxation theory past and present, making it possible to create projections for the future. This text proposes not only that Brazilians should become actualized, and that they should go deeper into optimal taxation theory, but, utilizing the adequate tools, it also proposes that they should take the tax policy worldwide vanguard.


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How to Cite

Villas-Bôas, M. de A. (2015). Optimal Taxation Theory: Past, Present and Future. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (34), 275–302. Retrieved from https://revista.ibdt.org.br/index.php/RDTA/article/view/173



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