Criminal Law as an Instrument to ensure Tax Collection
criminal law, crimes against the tax order and against Social Security, formal crimes, legal uncertaintyAbstract
The article discusses and criticizes the use of Criminal Law as an instrument of pressure to increase tax collection. The analysis is based on the discussion proposed in the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (“ADIn”) n. 4.980, pending in the Brazilian Supreme Court (“Supremo Tribunal Federal). Through this action, the Attorney General’s Office proposed a declaration of unconstitutionality of article 83 of Law n. 9.430/96 (in the wording given by Law n. 12.350/10), a rule that requires the exhaustion of administrative instances for the submission of criminal representation in relation to some crimes against the tax order and against Social Security, on the grounds that this administrative confirmation would not be necessary for crimes considered to be “formal”. The intention is to enable the Public Ministry to file complaints before administrative confirmation about the existence and validity of tax and social security credits, when it is a merely “formal” crime. This article, therefore, will address the risks involved in this argument and the legal uncertainty that a possible favorable decision of the Brazilian Supreme Court would generate in the legal system.
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