The Additional Cost of Tax Compliance
Penalties for Non-compliance with Ancillary Obligations
tax compliance, ancillary obligations, penalties, fines, tax returns, EFD-Contributions, Law No. 8,218/1991, MP No. 2,158-2001Abstract
This paper seeks to demonstrate that, in addition to the uncertainties arising from the tax legislation itself, there is considerable insecurity when dealing with the applicable penalties for non-compliance with ancillary obligations, particularly concerning the interpretation and application of the fines provided by Presidential Provisional Decree No. 2,158/2001 and Law No. 8,218/1991. For such purposes, the paper will focus on the practical example of the PIS and Cofins Tax Return (EFD-Contributions). It is concluded that the numerous law amendments and changes in administrative interpretations have led to tax assessments that violate the principles of legality, legal certainty, proportionality, and non-confiscation in the application of fines as defined by the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Therefore, the authors adopted the hypothetical-deductive method through a bibliographic, legislative, and jurisprudential survey.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dora Almeida, Michell Przepiorka, Jeferson Teodorovicz
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