The Correct Application of the Quality Vote of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (CARF) under the Optical of Art. 112 of the CTN


  • Douglas Stelet Ayres Domingues Graduação: Universidade Cândido Mendes Pós-graduação - IBMEC e UFRJ


tax law, criminal law, federal administrative process, CARF, quality vote, in dubio pro reo


The Administrative Council of Tax Appeals has, if counted the time of its predecessors, 91 years of history, being the last word in the scope of the federal fiscal administrative process. Unfortunately, the recent scandals of corruption that came into light with the outbreak of Operation Zelotes, produced a sad page in the history of this council, casting doubt about the credibility of the judgments and the Councilors themselves. As a result, procedural issues that had not been previously discussed, such as quality vote, began to appear in academic, judicial, and political discussions. This article intends to demonstrate the evolution of these events from questioning the system of applying the quality vote by the Taxpayers, up to pointing out and questioning the legal aspects and their topography in the Brazilian legal system, drawing a parallel with art. 112 of the National Tax Code, indicating the pros and cons of the existing precedents in this matter.


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How to Cite

Domingues, D. S. A. (2021). The Correct Application of the Quality Vote of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (CARF) under the Optical of Art. 112 of the CTN. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (40), 166–189. Retrieved from



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