BEPS: Action 12 - Analysis of Compatibility with Brazilian and EU Fundamental Freedoms


  • Beatriz de Prince Rasi



OCDE, BEPS, planejamento tributário, livre iniciativa, segurança jurídica, garantias fundamentais, direito tributário europeu, direito tributário brasileiro


This study aims to analyse whether Action 12 of BEPS could be compatible with the fundamental freedoms of the European Union, and in addition, making a comparison with the failed attempt of implementation in Brazil in 2015, due to its incompatibility with their fundamental rights.


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Como Citar

Rasi, B. de P. (2018). BEPS: Action 12 - Analysis of Compatibility with Brazilian and EU Fundamental Freedoms. Revista De Direito Tributário Internacional Atual, (3), 35–54.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)