Income Withholding Tax on the Payments of Reinsurance Premiums Abroad and the Twisted Permanent Establishment Concept Presented by Consultation Solution COSIT n. 62/2017


  • Francisco Lisboa Moreira


income withholding tax, net income, reinsurance, presumed or arbitrated calculation basis, double tax treaties, representation offices


The present study aims to analyze the Brazilian international tax policy with connection to the international reinsurance operations and payments deriving from the transfer of risks to non-resident entities. From the criteria to determine the income withholding tax on remittances, comparing with the net income concept adopted by the country and the utilization of presumed or arbitrated calculation basis. Finally, we analyzed the twisted permanent establishment concept introduced by Consultation Solution n. 62/2017.


O referido artigo foi inserido na redação original da Medida Provisória n. 1.858-10, de 24 de setembro de 1999, tendo sido objeto de sucessivas republicações até a última versão da Medida Provisória n. 2.158-35, de 2001, vigente até hoje, por conta do art. 2º da Emenda Constitucional n. 32/2001



How to Cite

Moreira, F. L. (2022). Income Withholding Tax on the Payments of Reinsurance Premiums Abroad and the Twisted Permanent Establishment Concept Presented by Consultation Solution COSIT n. 62/2017. RDTI Atual, (2), 90–111. Retrieved from


