The Brazilian Tax Rules for Deductibility of Interest Expenses and Action 4 of the BEPS Project


  • Andressa Pegoraro


deductibility, interest, thin capitalization, transfer pricing, Action 4, BEPS Project


The present paper intends to analyze the comprehensiveness of the current Brazilian rules for interest deductibility, as well as the need or not for Brazil to adopt the OECD recommendations in Action 4 of the BEPS Project regarding interest deduction. In addition, it intends to verify whether the OECD recommendations could harm or benefit the Brazilian companies, because of the possible modifications in the existing rules in the legal framework.


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How to Cite

Pegoraro, A. (2022). The Brazilian Tax Rules for Deductibility of Interest Expenses and Action 4 of the BEPS Project. RDTI Atual, (5), 24–43. Retrieved from


