Enforcing the Arm’s Length Principle in the Knowledge-based Economy

There are no Winners, but all are Losers


  • Carla Gonçalves Lobato




BEPS, Polanyi, tributação internacional, globalização, economia de conhecimento, princípio do arm’s length, preços de transferência


This paper examines the influence of the neo-liberal economic setting on taxation, and contends the enforcement of the arm’s length principle (ALP) as a measure to share taxing rights among jurisdictions in the era of the knowledge-based economy, grounded on a Polanyian critique of market liberalism. It outlines Polanyi’s main criticisms of laissez-faire economics and reviews the contemporary challenges faced by tax administrations. There is an analysis of the responses given to those problems by a number of experts, but the article makes the case for a coordinated action to uphold Corporate Income Tax. For a conclusion, the article rejects the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting project’s proposal to enforce the ALP as a measure to allocate the tax base derived from the exploitation of intangibles. Without ignoring the mainstream critique regarding its feasibility, this paper looks at its desirability, claiming that its outcome will deliver a final blow to the hope for stronger social cohesion.

Biografia do Autor

Carla Gonçalves Lobato

Graduada em Direito pela UFPE. Master of Laws with distinction pela London School of Economics and Political Science. Procuradora do Distrito Federal.


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Como Citar

Lobato, C. G. (2017). Enforcing the Arm’s Length Principle in the Knowledge-based Economy: There are no Winners, but all are Losers. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (37), 59–83. https://doi.org/10.46801/2595-6280-rdta-37-3



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)