axation of Gratuitous Assignment of the Right to use Real Properties, Established by Art. 23, Sec. VI, of Brazilian Law 4,506

is This a Case of Imputed Income or a Special Anti-avoidance Rule?


  • Fabiana Carsoni Alves Fernandes da Silva


gratuitous assignment of the right to use real properties, imputed income, special anti-avoidance rule


This paper aims to examine de validity of art. 23, sec. VI, of Brazilian Law 4,506, which establishes that income tax is levied on gratuitous assignment of the right to use real properties. This paper analyses if art. 23, sec. VI, is in accordance with realization principle. This paper also analyses whether art. 23, inc. VI, can be considered as a special anti-avoidance rule, or not.



How to Cite

Fernandes da Silva, F. C. A. (2021). axation of Gratuitous Assignment of the Right to use Real Properties, Established by Art. 23, Sec. VI, of Brazilian Law 4,506: is This a Case of Imputed Income or a Special Anti-avoidance Rule?. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (39), 138–162. Retrieved from



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)