Controversial Issues of the Contributions to the Committees of Professional Inspection in the Light of the Federal Law n. 12.514/2011


  • Laura Loro Lopes


Committees of professional inspection, contributions, principle of legality, Legal hypothesis


The present article has as its objective to analyze two controversial issues concerning the contributions to the Committees of Professional Inspection, specially in the light of the Federal Law n. 12.514/2011. The first issue deals with knowing whether and to what extent the Federal Law n. 12.514/2011 violates the constitutional principle of legality since it has conferred power to the Committees of Professional Inspection to determine the due amount of contribution by means of resolution, although said principle demands that every element related to the tax obligation must be defined in the legal statute. The second issue relates to the adequacy of the legal hypothesis, since it has been chosen by the lawmaker as taxable hypothesis the mere act of enrollment of the professional in the respective committee, and not, as one would assume, the practice of the activity subject to inspection.


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How to Cite

Lopes, L. L. (2015). Controversial Issues of the Contributions to the Committees of Professional Inspection in the Light of the Federal Law n. 12.514/2011. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (34), 236–255. Retrieved from



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