The Normalization of the Accounting Concept of Revenue in Tax Law


  • Luniza Carvalho Nascimento UFBA



Ability to pay, revenue, accounting concept, juridicization, Tax Law


This article aims to propose the incorporation of the accounting concept of revenue by the Tax Law. The revenue, besides being a hypothesis of the incidence of contributions that finance social security, is the starting point for the taxation of Income Tax and Social Contribution on Net Profit. Notwithstanding its importance in the National Tax System, this institute has always been neglected by the ordinary legislator who, in behalf of tax collection, subverts its essential nature. Thus, based on an analysis of the constitutional requirements to the choice of hypothesis of tax incidence, with special attention to the ability to pay and the insertion of accounting language in the legal system, a comparison was made between legal and accounting concepts based on the concept already delimited by the Brazilian Supreme Court. In the face of the greater correspondence between the accounting concept and the constitutional concept, in view of the legal, it is proposed, at the end, the standardization of the accounting sign, always in consideration of the constitutional limits imposed on the tax authority.



How to Cite

Nascimento, L. C. (2020). The Normalization of the Accounting Concept of Revenue in Tax Law. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (44), 321–357.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)