International tax Arbitrage and the South American Approach of the “Renounce of the Fiscal Sovereignty”


  • Jucileia Lima Pesquisadora do IBDT Mestranda em Direito Econômico e Financeiro pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo- USP


international tax arbitration, South America, fiscal sovereignty renounce


Since the validity of the arbitration law in the legal systems of South America countries, it has been a constant target of many discussions about its legality and its viable mechanism for resolving tax disputes, especially in qualifying conflicts in the international treaties to avoid double taxation. Its application has been resisted on the grounds that international tax arbitrage threatens the fiscal sovereignty of the South America countries. Therefore, is the first issue is need to examine, subsequently, we investigate the main issues about the international tax arbitration.


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How to Cite

Lima, J. (2015). International tax Arbitrage and the South American Approach of the “Renounce of the Fiscal Sovereignty”. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (33), 149–163. Retrieved from



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