Social Contributions to PIS and Cofins

Non-taxation of Revenues from the Sale of Leased Assets by Leasing Companies


  • Paulo Coviello Filho IBDT



lease, revenue from the sale of leased assets, calculation basis, exclusion, social contribution to PIS and Cofins


The scope of this paper is the applicability of the rule of item IV of paragraph 2 of Article 3 of Law No. 9,718 of 1998, which provides for the exclusion from the calculation basis of social contributions to PIS and Cofins from revenue arising from the sale of fixed assets.
The objective of this work is to verify if this provision would be applicable in the case of revenues from the sale of leased assets by legal entities that explore the leasing activity. The importance of this work lies in the tax authorities’ understanding that these revenues could not be excluded from the calculation basis of contributions, as they supposedly represent the operating revenues of these legal entities.
As will be seen, these revenues are not subject to taxation by legal entities that carry out this type of activity, given that Law No. 6,099 determines that the leased assets must be classified as fixed assets of the legal entity. Furthermore, there is no legal justification that authorizes the different treatment between companies that carry out the leasing activity and other legal entities.

Author Biography

Paulo Coviello Filho, IBDT

Graduado em Direito e em Ciências Contábeis pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.


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How to Cite

Filho, P. C. (2023). Social Contributions to PIS and Cofins: Non-taxation of Revenues from the Sale of Leased Assets by Leasing Companies. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (53), 325–345.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)