Material Prior Taxation in CF/1988

from Rules to Legal Principle



prior taxation, fundamental rights, legal certainty, content


This article intends to demonstrate that the prior taxation was established by the Federal Constitution/1988 in at least two normative qualities: rule and legal principle. The legal rules of prior taxation are established from the consideration of formal criteria related to the verification of a time interstice between the publication date of the law and the start of its effectiveness. However, it is shown that the Constitutional Tax System with its structure based on the Federal Constitution/88 reinforced the protection of taxpayers due to burdensome regulatory changes to their freedom and their property. It established the anteriority principle. It is implicit rule of law to the Federal Constitution/1988. Its reconstruction is through the arguably material combination structured with the constitutional norms that grounded it (Rule of Law, legal certainty, human dignity, liberty and property). This norm applies primarily to the capacity of the individual to exercise, in a planned manner, their freedom and their property in the transition from the present to the future. It is shown that the enforcement of that principle contemplates cases not covered by the rules of prior taxation. It also includes the situations in which, while respecting the deadlines defined by the rules on the subject, there is no effective protection of the planned exercise of the taxpayer’s freedom.

Author Biography

Cassiano Menke, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Mestre e Doutor em Direito Tributário pela UFRGS, orientado pelo Prof. Humberot ívila, professor da Fundação do Ministério Público do RS e advogado.


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How to Cite

Menke, C. (2015). Material Prior Taxation in CF/1988: from Rules to Legal Principle. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (34), 41–69. Retrieved from



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