The Slowness of the Judiciary in Resolving Conflicts in Tax Matters as an Uncertainty Factor to the Constitutional Tax System


  • Gustavo Perez Tavares


constitutional tax system, legal certainty, slowness of the Judiciary


This study aims to determine how the slowness of the Judiciary in the resolution of relevant tax matters affects the legal certainty of the constitutional tax system. Furthermore, we try to analyze which tools for returning to the legal certainty status are available in the event of slowness of the Judiciary.
To this end, after we fix our philosophical vantage point of the object, we analyze aspects of legal certainty of the Brazilian tax constitutional system, its uncertainty factors resulting from the three branches, as well as normatively provided tools to solve them.
After these introductory chapters, we demonstrate, from two illustrative cases, the existence of legal uncertainty due to the slowness of the judiciary in resolving tax issues. Finally, we analyze the tools available for returning to legal certainty status and concluded that they have an overall low efficiency.


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How to Cite

Tavares, G. P. (2016). The Slowness of the Judiciary in Resolving Conflicts in Tax Matters as an Uncertainty Factor to the Constitutional Tax System. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (35), 169–194. Retrieved from



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)