Analysis of the Supreme Federal Court’s Case Law on the Tax Treatment of Software


  • Caio Leonardo Corralo Tornincasa FGV e PUC-SP



legal-tax treatment of software, legal-interpretation, Thomas Vesting, ADI 1.945, ADI 5.659


This article analyzes the evolution of the Supreme Federal Court’s (STF) jurisprudence regarding the tax treatment of software. The research addresses the legal-tax treatment of software, a controversial topic in Brazilian jurisprudence and doctrine, especially after the judgment of Direct Unconstitutionality Actions (ADIs) No. 1,945 and 5,659 in 2021, which settled the understanding that software licensing, regardless of the modality, should be taxed by ISSQN. The study goes through the historical jurisprudence of the STF, considering the influence of technological innovations and social changes on the application of the law, and concludes that the STF has applied an evolutionary argument, adapting to social and technological transformations, with significant implications for legal certainty and the predictability of tax relations in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Corralo Tornincasa, C. L. (2024). Analysis of the Supreme Federal Court’s Case Law on the Tax Treatment of Software. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (56), 131–149.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)