Hardware as a Service and the Incidence of Services Tax (ISS)

a Model to be Reviewed


  • Lucas Issa Halah
  • Guilherme Adolfo dos Santos Mendes




Hardware as a Service, HaaS, ISS, servitization, product-service systems, PSS


This article intends to provide an overview of the discussions involving the qualification and taxation of Cloud Computing activities (notably the ISS – ICMS competence conflict) to then assess the extent to which they contribute to the reflection on the need to implement a new consumption taxation methodology that also addresses the difficulties facing the implementation of the business model known as Hardware as a Service.

Author Biography

Guilherme Adolfo dos Santos Mendes

Bacharel em Direito, Mestre e Doutor em Direito Tributário pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professor Doutor de Direito Tributário da Universidade de São Paulo (FDRP/USP). Orientador pleno do programa de mestrado da FDRP/USP.



How to Cite

Halah, L. I., & dos Santos Mendes, G. A. (2019). Hardware as a Service and the Incidence of Services Tax (ISS): a Model to be Reviewed. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (42), 261–281. https://doi.org/10.46801/2595-6280-rdta-42-11



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)