International Tax Planning in the BEPS Project

Agressive or Agressed?


  • Ariel de Abreu Cunha


aggressive tax planning, international taxation, BEPS Project, international tax planning, fiscal policy


Globalization and economic crises have placed international taxation prominent in the global discussion environment. In this scenario, the BEPS Project emerges, that aims to combat base erosion and profit shifting. Therefore, with the deliberate purpose of establishing new standards for international taxation, 15 Actions are presented with the opposition to the so-called aggressive tax planning in their nucleus, which is an embracing, open and subjective term that rejects the double non-taxation and seeks to impose unreasonable restrictions on tax avoidance itself. In this sense, considering the relevance of the theme to the future of international tax planning, the objective of this study is to analyze the content of this concept and identify its excesses, evaluating its friction with legal certainty and free enterprise and the need to observe the fiscal policy of the countries. In its conclusion, it seeks to answer if the BEPS Project establishes an aggressive tax planning or an aggressed one.


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How to Cite

Cunha, A. de A. (2022). International Tax Planning in the BEPS Project: Agressive or Agressed?. RDTI Atual, (5), 67–96. Retrieved from


