The Brazilian International Fiscal Policy

Relevant Issues to consider in the Integration of Brazil into the OECD


  • Ricardo Alessandro Castagna


international tax policy, exchange of information, OECD, BEPS, tax sparing


The article aims to examine relevant issues to be considered in the Brazilian international fiscal policy due to the policies and guidelines emanating from the OECD in this area, mainly due to the postulation of Brazil to the membership of that international entity. This analysis initially involves the possibility of incorporating the OECD guidelines into Brazilian domestic law, using the tax force paradigm or merely indicative of the Organization’s comments on the interpretation of treaties to avoid double taxation. Having established this premise, the article examines topics that will require a review of Brazil’s international fiscal policy in the face of its dissonance with the current policies advocated by the OECD, in the event of integration into that Organization, focusing on the BEPS action plans and the use of the tax sparing clause in international treaties signed by Brazil.


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How to Cite

Castagna, R. A. (2022). The Brazilian International Fiscal Policy: Relevant Issues to consider in the Integration of Brazil into the OECD. RDTI Atual, (5), 175–199. Retrieved from


