Non-occurrence of Overruling of the General Repercussion Theme no. 1.062 by Theme no. 810

Maintenance the Limit of the Interest Rate and Correction for States and Counties. Need to Review Recent Decisions of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo


  • Roberta Vieira Gemente de Carvalho PUC- CAMPINAS



tax law, general repercussion, overruling, interest, monetary adjustment


This article analyzes recent decisions of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo, which argue for the occurrence of the overcoming of the understanding established by the Federal Supreme Court regarding the limitation of the competence of the States to set the indexes of interest and fine levied on tax debts to the percentages set by the Federal Government for the same purpose.
Such decisions admit the application of different indexes, higher than Selic, to correct tax debts, under the allegation that the thesis established for resolution of General Repercussion Topic No. 810 now authorizes the adoption of different interest and monetary correction indexes.
In view of the risk of legal insecurity and the imminent possibility of anti-unfair treatment of taxpayers, the fundaments of such judgments by the Superior Court are compared, differentiating the ratio decidendi and concluding that the position established in General Repercussion Topic No. 1062 has not been overcome.


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How to Cite

de Carvalho, R. V. G. (2022). Non-occurrence of Overruling of the General Repercussion Theme no. 1.062 by Theme no. 810: Maintenance the Limit of the Interest Rate and Correction for States and Counties. Need to Review Recent Decisions of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (52), 303–320.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)