Ciência do Direito Tributário e Discussão Crítica
Science of Tax Law, logical structure, epistemological foundation, methods, critical discussion, definition, requisitesAbstract
This article has two objectives. On one hand, it aims to show what conditions are required for a critical discussion in the Science of Law, as distinct from a personal quarrel or forensic debate. It argues that among other requirements a critical discussion presupposes openness to criticism and a regulated structure of logical reasoning. On the other hand, it sets out to show that because the Science of Law describes, adjudicates, reconstructs and creates meanings, it is insufficient, especially in the field of Tax Law, to argue that it performs only one of these activities or even to claim, through generalization and without structured reasoning, that it only constructs meaning, as if all these activities were the same regarding their logical structure, epistemological foundation and methods. The general conclusion is that the activities of the Science of Law, instead of being depicted in vague, imprecise and generic words, must be structured in terms of the formulation of theories, the articulation of arguments and the use of methods.
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