
an Empirical Study about the Destination of its Tax Revenues


  • Thiago Del Bel



CIDE-Tecnologia, tax revenue, Destination, taxing power, transparency


This paper aims at studying the destination of the tax revenues arising from the CIDE-Tecnologia. Based on the matrix outlined in the Federal Constitution for the contributions and, especially, for the contributions for intervention in the economic domain, it highlights the relevance of the destination of the tax revenue in the context of such a type of tax, either to its classification as contribution, to the legitimacy of the taxing power’s exercise or to justify the actions of the Federal Government in the economic domain. It dedicates to the empirical analysis of the CIDE-Tecnologia’s destination, through the confrontation between the tax revenues with the values destined for the specific sectorial funds for science and technology under the FNDCT, pursuant to the annual laws for budget appropriation, and with the expenditures effectively committed. It evaluates if the legal destination of the CIDE-Tecnologia was observed or not within the period from January 1st, 2001, date when the CIDE-Tecnologia actually entered into force, and December 31st, 2014.


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How to Cite

Del Bel, T. (2017). CIDE-Tecnologia: an Empirical Study about the Destination of its Tax Revenues. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (37), 413–435.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)