Advanced Taxation of the Closed-end Funds

Taxation of the Impossible Event


  • Alexandre Alkmim Teixeira ABRADT



investment funds, closed-end funds, Income Tax


This paper aims to analyze the taxation of closed-end investment funds, in comparison with open funds subject to anticipated taxation called “come quotas”, based on Law n. 14.754/2023. We intend to demonstrate that, in the investment fund taxation system, taxation always targets the shareholder and never the fund. In closed-end funds, the shareholder cannot redeem his shares in advance to determine the return on his investments, which is why there is no economic or legal availability that allows the anticipation of taxation through “come-cotas”.


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How to Cite

Alkmim Teixeira, A. (2024). Advanced Taxation of the Closed-end Funds: Taxation of the Impossible Event. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (56), 58–81.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)