Brazilian Tax Reform

a Practical Comparison with the Canadian System


  • Eric Castro e Silva
  • Bruna Maria Nunes Lima
  • Vitória Bárbara da Silva Carvalho Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



Tax reform, Canadian system, VAT, Brazilian, EC 32/2023


In view of the imminent bankruptcy of the Brazilian tax system on consumption and services, Constitutional Amendment 132/2023 was promulgated by the National Congress on December 20, 2023, proposing significant changes to the national tax system with value-added taxation. In this regard, this article aims to examine the Brazilian tax reform in the context of the Canadian system due to its similarity between the federal models. It will be examined, from a practical perspective, the main aspects of the Canadian VAT, demonstrating its characteristics and divisions that contribute to a state of harmony among the federative entities. Additionally, after the preliminary analysis, the fundamental assumptions for an excellent implementation of the VAT will be established, the main tax changes on consumer goods and services in the Brazilian system, and the relationship of the aspects found in contrast to Constitutional Amendment 132/2023, pointing out, technically, the differences and intersections between Canada and Brazil.

Author Biographies

Eric Castro e Silva

Doutor em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo. Mestre em Direito pela Universidade de Cambridge. Professor em Direito Tributário da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.

Bruna Maria Nunes Lima

Graduanda em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.


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How to Cite

Castro e Silva, E., Lima, B. M. N., & Carvalho, V. B. da S. (2024). Brazilian Tax Reform: a Practical Comparison with the Canadian System. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (56), 177–196.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)