The Usage of Decrees as a Vehicle to reduce and re-establish the Rates of the Social Contributions PIS/PASEP and COFINS in the Light of Tax Legality and Legal Certainty


  • Fabrí­cio José Polli Griebeler Universidade de São Paulo



principle of legality in tax matters, legal certainty, contributions, financial revenues, non-cumulativeness


This article aims at calling tax law practitioners attention to the increasingly often adoption of subtle and insidious normative measures that are able to undermine one of the most important taxpayers guarantees, the principle of legality in tax matters, by taking as background the Federal Decree n. 8.426/2015, which increased the rates of the contributions PIS/PASEP and COFINS levied on financial revenues earned by legal entities that are subject to the non-cumulativeness regularion of these contributions, as well as concretely assessing the ability of Judiciary to restore the situation of legality on the charge of the alluded contributions, and simultaneously safeguard legal certainty in its dimension of protection of legitimate expectations of taxpayers.


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How to Cite

Polli Griebeler, F. J. (2017). The Usage of Decrees as a Vehicle to reduce and re-establish the Rates of the Social Contributions PIS/PASEP and COFINS in the Light of Tax Legality and Legal Certainty. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (37), 165–199.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)