O Princípio da Precaução e a Extrafiscalidade na Tributação Ambiental


  • Andreia Costa Vieira CCGI/FGV


precautionary principle, ecological tax, pigouvian tax, economic environmental policies


The present essay intends to introduce the precautionary principle and its relationship with Pigouvian Taxes. Thus, it will first identify the distinct definitions that have been given to the precautionary principle, based on an analysis of risk. Next, it will introduce the environmental stimulative function of Tax Law and bring about an understanding on to what extent Tax Law should be precautionary. Last, it identifies Tax Law as a possible instrument for the precautionary principle in the planning of public policies. Such approach will allow verifying that the precautionary principle might be absorbed by Tax Law, depending on the technical understanding that prevails for that principle, taking into consideration the expected marginal harm of a potential environment pollutant activity.


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How to Cite

Costa Vieira, A. (2021). O Princípio da Precaução e a Extrafiscalidade na Tributação Ambiental. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (32), 31–44. Retrieved from https://revista.ibdt.org.br/index.php/RDTA/article/view/49



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