Reflexões Históricas sobre o Artigo 111 do CTN
a Escolha pela Expressão “literalmente” em Oposição à Expressão “restritivamente”
CTN, article 111, interpretation, literally, restrictivelyAbstract
This paper aims to rescue relevant technical and historical details about the development process of Article 111 of the Brazilian Tax Code (CTN). This study sought to report the discussions at the time of the drafting of Article 111 of CTN, especially regarding the use of the term “restrictive”, as opposed to the term “literally” used by this article to explain the law interpretation method in cases of (i) suspension or exclusion of the tax credit, (ii) grant of exemption and exemption from compliance of accessory tax obligations, provided for in items I to III of the Article 111. The research of these historical reasons was based on (i) the text of the CTN Draft, (ii) the work of the Special CTN Committee, (iii) Article 111 CTN Project, (iv) as well as the actual CTN Article 111, as currently in force.
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