The Scope of BEPS Action 6 in the Brazilian Double Taxation Treaties
an Uncertain Scenario
BEPS, MLI, general anti-avoidance rules, double taxation treaties, BrazilAbstract
Not only has the background of the international tax regime been characterised by profit shifting from multinational companies and global companies through the manipulation of tax provisions and tax treaties, but also by the harmful tax competition between countries in relation to the taxation of such profits. The current research aims to analyse the reach of the incorporation of the BEPS general anti-avoidance rules provided by Action 6 in the Brazilian legal system and its consequences to the Brazilian double tax treaties. In relation to the sole paragraph of article 116 of the Brazilian National Tax Code, it is possible to verify that the lack of proper regulation of that rule is an obstacle to the perception of that rule as a typical anti-avoidance rule in the Brazilian legal system. On the other hand, that rule has been applied by the tax authorities in order to disregard sham transactions, fraud of law or abuse of legal forms. The inclusion or not of a general anti-avoidance rule with the principal purpose test in the Brazilian tax treaties is still an indeterminate issue due to the fact that Brazil is not yet signatory of the MLI, but also by the possible existence of a conflict between the MLI and the Brazilian legal system
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