The Taxation of the Capital Gain Derived of the Exchange of Equity Interests

a Comparative Analysis of the Recommendations of the OECD and the National and International Practices of Brazil


  • Ruy Fernando Cortes de Campos Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Tributário
  • Livia de Mello e Silva
  • Ana Carolina Nicolao Aquino



capital gain, exchange, equity interest, international treaties, art. 13


The purpose of this article is to analyze the taxation regime appliable to the alleged capital gain derived from the exchange of equity interests, without monetary compensation, carried out by a Brazilian resident. Therefore, from a comparative analysis of the international guidelines laid down by the Model Tax Conventions on Income an on Capital of the OECD and its Commentaries – specially the dispositions of article 13 –, of the international treaties against double taxation signed by Brazil and of the domestic rules relevant to this theme, the article will seek to demonstrate the impossibility of the tax incidence upon the exchange of shares.


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How to Cite

Cortes de Campos, R. F., de Mello e Silva, L. ., & Nicolao Aquino, A. C. (2022). The Taxation of the Capital Gain Derived of the Exchange of Equity Interests: a Comparative Analysis of the Recommendations of the OECD and the National and International Practices of Brazil. RDTI Atual, (11), 98–115.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)