Article 74 of Provisional Measure no. 2.158-35/2001 and Article 7 of Double Tax Treaties

is There Compatibility? An Analysis considering the Current Case Law of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals


  • Maria Eugênia Mariz de Oliveira IBDT



profits, foreign controlled company, double tax treaty


The purpose of this article is to introduce some contributions to the debate regarding the possibility of applying article 74 of Provisional Measure no. 2.158-35 in order to tax the profits earned by foreign controlled entities, in cases where such companies are located in countries with which Brazil has entered into a double tax treaty. Furthermore, this article aims to make an analysis of the subject in light of the current case law of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals.


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How to Cite

Mariz de Oliveira, M. E. (2022). Article 74 of Provisional Measure no. 2.158-35/2001 and Article 7 of Double Tax Treaties: is There Compatibility? An Analysis considering the Current Case Law of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals. RDTI Atual, (11), 61–79.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)