Unconstitutionality of the Period Established by the Federal Revenue for Offsetting Judicial Credit


  • Sidnei Camargo Marinucci OAB




unconstitutionality, regulatory instruction, compensation, prescription period


The compensation of credits arising from a final court decision is provided for in Normative Instruction No. 2055/2021, which provides for restitution, compensation, reimbursement and reimbursement, within the scope of the Special Secretariat of the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil.
After the authorization of the judicial credit with the Federal Revenue is granted, the taxable person will have a period of 5 (five) years to present the declaration of compensation, under the terms of article 106 of the aforementioned Normative Instruction.
If the creditor does not use the qualified credit within the period established by the administrative rule, he will lose his credit right in relation to the unused balance, since the refund of that amount is not allowed.
This article intends to demonstrate that this temporal limitation established by the Federal Revenue of Brazil has no legal basis, and cannot be defined by means of an administrative rule due to the principle of strict legality applied in Tax Law.


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How to Cite

Camargo Marinucci, S. (2023). Unconstitutionality of the Period Established by the Federal Revenue for Offsetting Judicial Credit. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (53), 375–384. https://doi.org/10.46801/2595-6280.53.15.2023.2308



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)