The “Summarization” of Brazilian Tax Law

manipulating the Objective Scope of Judgments through the “Judgment Thesis”


  • Paulo Arthur Cavalcante Koury Mestrando em Direito Tributário na Universidade de São Paulo



general repercussion, repetitive cases, tax law, thesis


This article aims to examine the hypothesis that the manipulation of the scope of precedents through “judgment theses” in repetitive cases before the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) and the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), as well as in lawsuits of concentrated constitutional control in the STF, especially in tax matters, constitutes a violation of the 1988 Federal Constitution. To attain this goal, two examples of the formation and application of “judgment theses” by the High Courts themselves are initially analyzed, demonstrating their treatment as effective statements from which general and abstract norms are reconstructed, with a scope that is entirely distinct from the cases brought before their respective courts. Then, it is shown that there are no infraconstitutional grounds to justify this way of establishing and applying “judgment theses”, neither in the 1973 Code of Civil Procedure nor in the current code. In conclusion, it is found that this method of forming and applying the thesis-setting regime is unconstitutional due to a violation of the principle of separation of powers.


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How to Cite

Koury, P. A. C. (2023). The “Summarization” of Brazilian Tax Law: manipulating the Objective Scope of Judgments through the “Judgment Thesis”. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (55), 328–347.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)