Changes in the Federal Tax Penalty Regime

a Critical Analysis of Act No. 14,689/2023


  • Sávio Jorge Costa Hubaide UFMG



Act No 14,689/2023, federal tax fines, individualization, culpability


This article analyzes the changes introduced by Act No 14,689/23 in the federal tax sanctioning regime. Based on the premise that the Constitution adopted a guarantor model, an ideal sanctioning regime should apply penalties on an individualized basis, tailored to the culpability of each offender. The methodology employed includes legislative and doctrinal research. The conclusion drawn is that Act No 14,689/23 represents progress by making the imposition of fines slightly less rigid and expanding the range of possible sanctions. However, the changes are still subtle and insufficient to addres the diverse illicit conduct by taxpayers, and certain provisions that could have contributed to a closer alignment of the regime with this ideal were vetoed.

Author Biography

Sávio Jorge Costa Hubaide, UFMG

Master's degree in Tax Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais.

Specialist in Tax Law from CEDIN.

Attorney in Belo Horizonte/MG.


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How to Cite

Jorge Costa Hubaide, S. (2024). Changes in the Federal Tax Penalty Regime: a Critical Analysis of Act No. 14,689/2023. Revista Direito Tributário Atual, (57), 529–548.



Doutrina Nacional (Double Peer Reviewed)