The “REFIS” (Law 9.964) and the Cases of “Installment’s Insignificant Value”
Critical to the Jurisprudence of Superior Court of Justice
REFIS (Law 9.964), exclusion, legal arguments, Superior Court of JusticeAbstract
The main purpose of this article is to analyze critically the jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice about the possibility of taxpayers’ exclusion of REFIS (Law 9.964) in cases where the monthly installments, collected in accordance with the legal criteria, are insufficient to amortize the consolidated debt. The aim is, therefore, to verify if the understanding of the Superior Court of Justice is, indeed, in accordance with Brazilian law. For this purpose, then, will be examined analytically the taxpayers’ argument, on the one hand, and the Treasury’s argument, on the other, valuing them as from a theory of legal arguments rational and constitutionally oriented. At the end, the conclusion will be towards the prevalence of taxpayers’ argument, indicating the need for revision of the Superior Court of Justice positioning on the issue.
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